詐騙中的男子 002


要怎麼開始揭發這個浪漫的詐騙手法呢? 先從他的臉書說起好了!目前至少有四個帳號以同一個人做為大頭貼,Carl Alex Antonio, Carlos Alex Antonio, Antonio Carlos, Antonio Carl。如果這是本人,我想他十分的自戀。注意到他的生日嗎?如果查一下這個人的生日密碼,妳會發現他是位誠實而正直的男人,就是因為他知道很多女人都會查生日密碼,所以他才故意寫3月26日,女人,不要再被騙了!

可以大膽這麼說,在Face Book上會主動接近妳的外國人,百分之九十九點九都不懷好意!


詐騙中的男子 003

他的居住地點是英國Bristol, UK ,電話號碼看起來像在英國,但音質很差,所以很可能只是網路轉接的電話,他會主動給妳電話號碼並請求妳打給他,表示他對妳的信任與自己的真實感。




詐騙中的男子 004

https://www.facebook.com/carlos.alexander.965  現在點這個已經無法顯示,因為被刪掉了!


Antonio Carl 001


所以,他又用另一個帳號!明明就使用重複的照片,名字也相像Antonio Carl !


詐騙中的男子 008

他Antonio Carlos 是個喜愛運動、聽音樂的人fraud,也喜歡自己買菜下廚,他關心身旁的人,喜歡選擇自己的朋友,在下班之後,一切以女兒為主,這麼愛女兒的父親,怎叫失婚或分居中的女人不心動呢?如果你懷疑他是否真有孩子,妳可以要求他傳父女合照給妳看看,或者請他給妳他Carlos Antonio UK Bristol的地址,但他們都會假裝沒看到這份訊息,說說別的,被愛灌醉的女人,很容易就被蒙騙過去了!如果,妳突然又想起問他,他反而有可能會故意生氣,好像妳對他的質疑或不安全感根本就是不必要的...

女人在一開始的時候,會質疑對方的心是否真實,他Carlos Alex Antonio會想盡各種辦法romance scam,他會說,我相信是神把我們帶在一起"I believe that God brought us together."寫情書、做承諾並表示非常不贊同玩弄女人的壞男人,他會說,玩弄女人的男人有一天一定會遭到報應,聽起來,他可能就快得到報應了,因為他一直在詛咒自己!

當妳以為愛情來敲門的時候,一定要和親友多聊聊,並上網查詢。這一類的詐騙集團,他們不會和妳視訊,只會傳電子郵件、傳訊息、直接對話或講電話,不跟妳視訊只因為他和傳給妳的照片長得不一樣!  如果妳故意幾天不與他傳訊息,他會試圖打電話給妳,讓妳覺得妳對他來說很重要!他也會強調他會珍惜並且尊重這份關係,而珍惜與尊重的感覺,常常是失婚婦女最渴求的,女人聽到對方這麼體貼,很容易將他視為英國紳士,其實,他只是披著羊皮的狼!他是個愛情詐騙者!頂著英國紳士名義的詐騙集團!

當妳放下心防,開始告訴他妳的傷心往事,他Carlos Antonio會落淚同情,讓妳覺得他與妳是感同身受,並且表示欺負女人或欺騙女人不是一個男人應該給女人的! 但是,他一直在做的就是愛情詐騙romance scam!

詐騙中的男子 006


他Carlos Alex Antonio就是一直在英國馬來西亞之間詐騙女人的壞男人,他會假借工作或船運機器到馬來西亞,連在搭飛機之前(當然也是在演給妳看的,因為他很有可能一直都在馬來西亞等著妳上鉤啊!),都會跟妳親切地打電話報備,honey, baby, sweetie, my love, my darling...再甜蜜的話都說得出來,對了!在因公出差前,他會跟妳說,我想在辦完事後,到妳居住的城市去探望妳,也讓孩子們一起玩玩,要妳幫他訂飯店,並討論到時候可以帶孩子們一起去遊玩、看電影...等等,這一切聽起來都是如此美好而真實。

但是,當他到達馬來西亞之後,他會換一個馬來西亞的電話號碼,上網查一下,那會是一個harshad number,是一個會顯示號碼的電話,但事後很可能無法回查,很快的,他會打緊急電話給妳要錢,怎麼要呢?就說到了海關要出貨的時候,海關說關稅上漲了,沒有事先通知,現在要趕快補足,帶去的現金支票不夠,要快!不然貨物會被扣押,另外,他會說他連絡不到英國的朋友,所以很需要妳的及時幫忙,還會傳一張來自英國銀行的匯款單給妳,說什麼錢已經匯出,但需要幾個工作天,被愛沖昏頭的女人盲目,受害者總在這時候表現了自己以為偉大的愛情力量,其實,自己失去的不只是虛假的愛情,更是賴以為生的金錢啊!如果再三思一下,這些損失都是可以避免的!

不要以為只有「西聯銀行」是詐騙帳號的關鍵字喔!現在他們不一定用西聯銀行Western Union為詐騙帳號,改用的是: CIMB Bank Berhad




I was touched by your profile picture.You look simple and elegant with such a lovely smile and i must confess,You are a pretty lady,I had to summon the courage to write you,I am a widower and i have a daughter living with me,I would like to know more about the pretty and charming lady.

I am a humble and self confident man, I am self employed and run a business where we sell heavy tractors and other machines and we are also into exportation and repairs of tractors.I like self confident persons, honest and sincere.Well i am a widower with one beautiful daughter who is 8 years old.I like all colors but my favorite is black,my hobbies are swimming,listening to music,poetry and football and i love to cook my own meals.


I believe there is greatness in every individual and i don't get upset easily,I like to see those around me happy and i am a good listener.I believe in family value,You look so simple and elegant.Please do write me back and tell me more about your self.Your likes and dislikes,job,as well as hobbies.Hoping to hear from you again as i would like us to start a decent relationship as friends and lets see what the future holds for us.

Please send me your chatting id so we could chat sometimes either on yahoo or skype.




How are you? i am David R.Henshaw i came across your profile picture and it was cute and nice sorry for invading your privacy. hope we can get to know each other more better, I must confess you have pretty smile on your pics..hope to see more of that and be good till i hear from you soon.Please reply to my private E-mail address: davidhenshawXXX@ yahoo.co.uk

Thanks and remain bless.



My name is George,.Am looking for a serious relationship.I read your profile and I must confess that your profile was very enjoyable.how about a exchange of emails.I am not on Facebook much.please get back to me to my private email address I don't normally check my Facebook .I really cares to know you .my email mariogXXX@yahoo.com



Hi Dear,

It is always difficult to describe oneself without the risk of sounding immodest - but here goes: My name is cap.t Brian Smith, a captain with Cosco shipping company.

Though I know it sound strange to you, since you do not know me, but I will appreciate it, if granted this Privilege to know you more.

  • 例5.

    Hello ,I am Charles Antonio by name, and i work and live here in Utah , United State. l was going through your profile and I am quite fascinated by your beauty and the picture in your profile. You look so charming, and pretty, and you caught my attention.


    Am a man of dignity, sincere,honest,dedicated, responsible, patience,passionate, affectionate, loving, caring and adventurous and with good sense of humor.I dont care about distance, provided you are for real, and ready for a long term relationship. am ready to settle down and be with you sooner than you can ever imagine. (有人那麼鼓吹自己的嗎?)

    And i am new here in facebook, and i know it is not a dating platform, but i am here to seek for a life partner, someone ready to open her heart to love again and it won't be a playmate. And this is my reasons of writing to you just to tell you how much you captured my attention, and i will be very delighted to get your response to my email if only you are interested to get involve in a Serious relationship/marriage so we can exchange emails and then start a communication through our personal email address and also exchange more pictures .. so please i want you to write to me and drop me your hotmail or msn email address then i can reply back to you via your private email box..and also add you to my chat room so that we can meet via chat and know each other more better.So please write direct to my private email address : charlesantoXX @hotmail.com



1.幾乎都是self employed,不然就是軍人或在船上工作,大多住UK英國、重視家庭、有虔誠信仰(竟敢假冒神恩!)、不是鰥夫,就是離婚!當然,也有單身的。

2.不太用"I am",用"am",很喜歡"confess",最好都是用email 聯絡,因為他們不想在FB留下紀錄。




6.除了419奈及利亞的詐騙集團,也有來自其他國度,泛指romance scam或love scam。他們都是針對失婚熟女,寂寞心靈需要慰藉且有一定的經濟基礎,不管是利用送花、寫情書、寄禮物、遇船難及進口關稅,都是騙錢的手段。



反跨國愛情詐騙網 Anti Love Scam http://love.eip.pumo.com.tw/ 



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